Commonwealth Broadband Forum - Caribbean 2016

Commonwealth Broadband Forum – Caribbean 2016

Following its series of successful events on Connecting Rural Communities, the CTO launched a new conference series on Broadband in 2014 in view of the key role that broadband plays in development. The forum took place on the 14-15 July 2016 at the Hyatt Regency Trinidad. The forum, organised by the CTO, with the support of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union and hosted by the Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago, built upon previous broadband conferences and was held under the theme of Broadband: Supporting life in the 21st Century.

This Caribbean Broadband Forum addressed the importance of broadband to the Caribbean life in the 21st century as captured in the vision for the Caribbean Single ICT Space. It considered the possibilities for social and economic development by exploring the role of broadband in such areas as finance, education, broadcasting, entrepreneurship and social inclusion. The Forum looked at the policy, regulatory and consumer issues impacting on broadband rollout and utilisation as well as innovative technologies. Finally, the Forum will showcased Caribbean innovation.

The two-day conference featured an exhibition with presentations and interactive panel discussions during the conference. Delegates included decision makers such as ICT Ministers, ICT regulatory agencies, network operators, universal service funds, content providers, technology solution providers and consultants.

Key Topics:

      • Creating a digital Caribbean
      • Devising and implementing National Broadband plans
      • Digital inclusion initiatives and innovations
      • The value of Caribbean data
      • Overcoming regulatory challenges in the single ICT space
      • Global satellite broadband developments
      • Digital entertainment and Pay-TV opportunities
      • Improving broadband penetration and infrastructure development

Hosted by:

Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago

Supported by:

Caribbean Telecommunications Union

More Information

For more information please contact:
Events Division
44 (0) 208 600 3819