ICT Knowledge Bank
This page provides links to a selection of papers, presentations and interviews by members and former members of the CTO Secretariat.
- Unwin, T. (2014) Technology: the great divider?, Global: the International Briefing, Second Quarter.
- Unwin, T. (2014) Good governance in the Commonwealth: many cultures, one agenda, Commonwealth Governance Handbook 2013-14, London: Nexus, 41-45.
- Unwin, T. and Wong, A. (2012) Global Education Initiative: Retrospective on Partnerships for Education Development 2003-2011, Geneva: World Economic Forum, 2012, 60 pp.
- Geldof, M., Grimshaw, D.J., Kleine, D. and Unwin, T. (2011) What are the key lessons of ICT4D partnerships for poverty reduction? Systematic Review Report for DFID.
Presentations and interviews
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, CTO, Inspiring Bangladesh – Beyond 2021 | Growth. Collaboration. Investment | Opening Ceremony, 24 October 2021
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, CTO, World Trade Organization Public Forum 2021, 1 October 2021
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, CTO, 11th UK-Uganda Trade and Investment Forum 2021, 19 September 2021
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, CTO, Virtual Celebration of the 2021 United Nations Public Service Day – Innovating the Future Public Service, 23 June 2021
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Secretary General, CTO, Commonwealth Human Resources and ICT Forum, 5 May 2021
- Ms Bernadette Lewis, Fijian Servicewomen UK- International Womens Day 2021, 8 March 2021
- Ms Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Former Acting Secretary General, CTO, Interview, Internet Governance Forum 2019, 27 November 2019
- Ms Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Former Acting Secretary General, CTO, Interview, ITU Telecom World 2019, Budapest, Hungary, 11 September 2019
- Ms Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Former Acting Secretary General, CTO, Interview, ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-18), Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 12 November 2018
- Mr Shola Taylor, Former Secretary General, CTO, ITU Telecom World 2019, Busan, South Korea, 27 September 2017
- Mr Shola Taylor, Former Secretary General, CTO, Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-17), 14 July 2017
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Contribution to the WSIS 2015 review, Knowledge Societies Division of the Communication and Information Sector of UNESCO, 2015
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, ITU’s m-Powering Development Advisory Board, Geneva, 23 May 2014
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Can ICTs really make a difference to the lives of poor people and marginalised communities?, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 16 May 2014
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, How to provide high-end services in emerging markets, Mobile World Live panel at the GSMA’s Mobile World Congress, Barcelona, 26 February 2014
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, World Radio Day 2014, Moderating the Smart Education session, Transform Africa 2013, Kigali, 30 October 2013.
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Interview, launch of the ITU’s m-Powering Development initiative, Geneva, 15 October 2013.
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Interview, Antigua and Barbuda’s New Media One, ICT initiatives in Antigua and Barbuda, 26 September 2013.
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Challenges of cultural diplomacy in the Commonwealth, International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in the UK, 10 July 2013.
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, A free and open Internet for global inclusive growth at the Stockholm Internet Forum, 23 May 2013
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, Technology and development: the contribution of OER, University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education, 9 May 2012.
- Mr Tim Unwin, former Secretary General, CTO, ICTD2012 Mobiles, social media and democracy, Atlanta, 15 March 2012
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