February 26th, 2019
Commonwealth HR&ICT Forum 2019
LONDON, February 26 2019 – The Commonwealth HR&ICT Forum 2019 hosted by the Commonwealth Telecommunication Organisation took place last week in London, UK. The two day event drew participants and delegates from Commonwealth member countries and ICT sector organisations, to discuss HR related issues under the theme: Streamlining Organisational Development.
The forum aims to provide participants with an opportunity to discuss and exchange knowledge on how to restructure processes to benefit the growth of HR professionals and human capital at large. The welcome address delivered by Oscar Tapp-Scotting, Deputy Director, Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport, United Kingdom. He said that, “The future of the Commonwealth depends on its one billion young people to deliver a more prosperous, secure, sustainable and fair future. I’m sure this event will provide a great opportunity to build links between us to provide young people with the opportunities and training in obtaining a wide range of digital skills.”
Mr Tapp-Scotting’s welcome address was followed by the keynote address from the Rt. Honourable Patricia Scotland QC, Secretary-General, Commonwealth Secretariat. “According to management experts, 80% of organisational effectiveness depends on systems and only 20% on people… the fact is good organisations have good systems. These systems bring out the best in the people. To repeat, 80% of organisational effectiveness depends on systems and only 20% on people” said the Secretary-General.
Other invited guests who addressed the forum included Sharvada Sharma, Solicitor General, Acting Permanent-Secretary for Communications, Information & ITC, Government of Fiji and Chair of the Executive Committee; Rt. Honourable Mohamed Rahman Swaray, Minister of Communications, Sierra Leone; and Rt. Honourable Paul Lewis, Minister of Communications, Montserrat.
During her official opening remarks, Gisa Fuatai Purcell, Acting Secretary-General and Director, ICT Development Department, CTO, thanked all the guests and delegates for taking their time to attend the forum. She said that, “the event will enable participants to share views, ideas and best practices on how to use technology to our advantage.”
For more information please contact the Communications Team, [email protected] or +44 20 8600 3820.
About the Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation
The Commonwealth Telecommunications Organisation (CTO) is the oldest and largest Commonwealth intergovernmental organisation in the field of information and communication technologies. With a diverse membership spanning developed and least developed countries, small island developing states, and more recently also the private sector and civil society, the CTO aims to become a trusted partner for sustainable development for all through ICTs.